In case you’ve been wondering where I’ve been since June 19th. This picture should give you an idea. While sailing on Father’s Day, I fell from the cockpit into the cabin and broke my knee. The strong drugs did a great job controlling the pain and I very quickly learned not to make phone calls, send emails, or even engage on Linked-In.

The required 3 months of no weight bearing on the left leg was up September 27 and I am now able be weight bearing on the left leg again. We are all expecting a full recovery and I will be back to hiking, dancing, sailing and being a business owner.

Removal of the staples and the full leg brace was scheduled for four weeks after surgery, but that is when Mark and I both tested positive for Covid. It was a depressing set back but we were fortunate to both be multi-vaxed and had relatively mild cases.

So, what does a small business owner who is always on the go do when her world suddenly jerks to a stop? She creates!

To me, the world feels a lot like pre-2008 when there was so much tension and uncertainty. What we quickly learned then was small business owners need to be strategic and cash is sanity. So, I set to work creating easy to use strategic tools for Ritamac members.

With the help of Sharon Rogers coordinating a new website design, Nikkie Achartz of SNAP Savvy Solutions helping brand The Ritamac Method, and especially with the experience of my Ritamac Groups over the last 13 years as we developed and fine-tuned the monthly financial reports and KPI reports and embraced virtual groups in April 2019, we are ready to step boldly into the realm of a network of all virtual Ritamac groups across the nation.

As I’ve gone through this healing and recovery time, I realize how important the work I do with small business owners to help them think and work more strategically and more profitably really is.

In addition to the new website ( and branding The Ritamac Method, we also developed a Ritamac Financial Statements Review Toolkit which provides our members with an easy-to-use tool that not only let’s them see and strategically use their financial dashboard, but also provides tools to use to achieve the results they want, all in easy to use every day English! I invite you to visit the new Ritamac website ( I hope this finds you safe and well and excited about growing your small business strategically and profitably. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

I’m back!